Name Language Description
Professional open-source projects
ccquery Python3 Qwant - query correction
topic-discovery Python3/Ruby Xilopix - document classification
color-detection Ruby Xilopix - image color classification
Machine learning
ml-notions Markdown Machine learning notions
ml-notebooks Python3 Machine learning notebooks (linear regression, logistic regression, ...)
DeepDream Python2 Docker setup for DeepDream
Similarity scores Python3 Compute TF-IDF based similarity scores between documents
Online coding
CodeFights Python
Hackerrank Python/Ruby Problems solved in my spare time
Codility Python
Code snippets Markdown/HTML/CSS Source code for this website: Jekyll with 'minimal mistakes' theme
ACM problems C++ Problems solved in college
Benchmarks Ruby Help choose the fastest method among multiple solutions
Tutorial on shell scripting docx/pdf Description and usage examples of shell commands
Tutorial on Linux docx/pdf Usage of linux and command line
Using the command line markdown Processing multiple files, extracting fields from file, archives, screens, ...
Tutorial on git docx/pdf Install, configure and use git
Tutotial on java docx/pdf Programming in Java
Tutorial on ruby docx/pdf Programming in Ruby
Tutorial on python docx/pdf Programming in Python
Thesis docx/latex Sources of my BSc, MSc and PhD dissertations
Articles latex Research articles written during my work at INRIA
Posters latex Posters presented at conferences/workshops
Presentations latex Presentations for conferences/meetings
PNI C++ Small project on image processing (translation, rotation, zoom)
HeadTracking C# BSc project on the aquisition and recognition of head movements
OC/bash Bash Statistics on letters
OC/PHP PHP Mini-chat
OC/Ruby Ruby Fighting game
OC/Python Python Mazegame
Personal configs
Gnome - List of used gnome extensions
Bash - Configuration files for Bash
Nano - Configuration files for Nano
Sublime-Text-3 - Installation and setup for correct window management with multiple desktop workspaces